Sunday, March 6, 2011

Who Done It

Page 1 (Thesis and Abstract): Taylor & Jackie
Page 2 (Postdam Conference): Taylor
Page 3 (Einstein's Letter): Taylor
Page 4 (Cold War Conflicts): Jackie
Page 5 (Works Cited): Jackie
Page 6 (Who Done it): Jackie
Pictures: Taylor
Videos: Jackie

Works Cited


Leading up to the Cold War

The Atomic Bomb also started tensions between The United States and Russia.  The two opposing views of capitailism and communism caused unecessary trauma and nervousness into the people's daily lives.  The U.S. and Russia created thousands of atomic bombs, more than enough to blow up the world many times over, in order to make it seem like either side had the upperhand.  
This cartoon expresses the comical aspect of how many
bombs were created but how little were actcually detenated.
(fortunately for us)
The Cuban Missile Crisis was another factor that could have been avoided after the atomic bomb drops.  It was the only time in the Cold War where people were anticipating another atomic bomb to drop at any time.  The conflicts built much tension; enough to almost start a nuclear war.

This is an excerpt from Kennedy's Speech during the
Cuban Missile Crisis.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Perspectives of the Drop

Hiroshima After The Atom Bomb, 1946: "Video : VideoJug presents a newsreel showing the devastating effects of The Atom Bomb at Hiroshima in 1946. War History."

CNN: Survivor talks : The survivor in this video describes what he had to go through in order to overcome the devestation of the atomic bomb.

Oppenheimer's speech about his creation fo the Atomic Bomb : Oppenheimer reflects back on his thoughts on the affects of his bomb.

Miscellaneous Pictures

A mother and child after the bombings.

 The town before and after the atomic bomb.

This is a picture of a orphan in Hiroshima. He had lost his parents in the bombings and is stranded in what is left of his hometown.

This is a picture of a chestnut tree about two months after the explosion. As you can see, the whole landscape was devastated.

"Fat Man" and "Little Boy"

"Fat Man" is the codename for the atomic bomb that was dropped over NagasakiJapan, by the United States on August 9, 1945.

"Little Boy" was the codename of the atomic bomb dropped over Hiroshima, by the United States on August 6, 1945

The Innocent Victims

Kinuko Laskey, a survivor from the Hiroshima bomb was a 16 year old student nurse in the Hiroshima Communications Hospital which was located 1.4 kilometers away from the hypocenter. She suffered from radiation sickness, loss of sight in her right eye, and had to go through many plastic surgery operations. When the bomb first hit, she fainted. When she came back into conciousness she crawled to a hospital. Dr. Hinoki was the doctor who first got to her and he said that she should have been dead. She was covered in huge glass splinters and they had to be surgically removed. Her main goal after she recovered was to educate and help change the perspective of people who think that wars are inevitable and peace is out of reach. She wanted people to believe that peace is the only way.

This poor woman was an innocent by stander who was
 hurt during the hiroshima bombing.
 The heat of the bomb was this intensive that the 
pattern of the clothes has been burnt into her skin.